We've seen each other through a lot. We've grown together, fought together, laughed and cried together. Loved together.
That time together represents two apartments. Seven funerals. The birth of four nephews. Attending three marriage celebrations. The birth of our two wonderful children. Two miscarriages. Many great trips.
And now, Jamie's sabbatical and my job transition. An open future. A fresh start for the next decade of our life together.
I've discussed repeatedly with Jamie how time so paradoxical. It feels both like we have always been together, like it was always meant to be, and that we're still in a honeymoon phase. We've both felt as if the ten years just flew by and know each and every single day of the full ten years.
Through it all, there is no one I would rather have by my side.
Bigger than Godzilla...
All the way to the moon...
To infinity and beyond...
To the ends of the earth!
I love you Gorgeous! Happy Anniversary!

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