It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
- Walt Disney -
One of the many places on the web that I have stumbled across in my many wanderings is the Blog of Impossible Things ( If you are in need of motivation life, this is a great place to start. It is a blog and business run by Joel Runyon that focuses on motivation to do something, to keep moving forward, to accomplish things.
One of his tools is an Impossible List. It's not a bucket list - it's a life challenge list. It's a list of things to stretch you to do greater things than you thought were possible. A list to help you realize that most things are not impossible if you work towards them. And to see that there is great reward in accomplishing something you once thought impossible.
I'm including mine here to create a record and hold myself accountable to it. I'll seek to update this as I check things off. As you can see, somethings are more impossible than others, but each is something I would really like to accomplish.
Personal Goals:
- Eat 100% clean Paleo for a month
- Eat 100% clean Paleo for a year
- Embrace primal
- Have six pack abs
- Get out of debt and live largely debt free
- Learn Spanish well enough for conversation
- Learn French well enough for conversation (39% fluent on Duolingo)
Travel Goals:
- Visit every continent {2 so far}
- Swim in every ocean {1 so far}
- Visit every state {19 plus the District of Columbia}
- Visit every country represented in EPCOT
USA;- Canada;
- Mexico;
- Morocco;
- China;
- Japan;
United Kingdom;France;- Germany;
Italy;- Norway;
- Somewhere in Central Africa for the outpost?
Disney Goals:
- Own Disney stock and attend a shareholders' meeting
- Visit every Disney Park
- Visit Disney Studios
- Visit Pixar Studios
- Visit Muppet Studios
- Visit the Walt Disney Family Museum
- Attend a D23 convention
- Compete in a RunDisney event (5K)
- Go on a Disney Cruise
- Go on an Adventure by Disney vacation
- Work for the Walt Disney Company - Imagineering
- Work for Marvel Comics
- Dine at Club 33
- Ride the in the Lilly Belle train car at Disneyland
- Visit Walt's Apartment
- Visit the Carolwood Museum
- Skydive
- Read the entire Apochrypha
- Watch The Clock in one sitting
- Share the stage with a living legend
- Share the screen with a living legend
- Be an extra in a movie
- Have a bit part in a movie
- Be a superhero
- Run a movie theater / Start the Commissary - Food.Film.Fun.
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