Changes in the Mitchuation...
We're done with all of our traveling for now. The road trips are done. We've been to a birthday party and visited family. We were ready now to rest and just be for a while.
But I now have work. It's a temporary position. About a month in length, in downtown Dallas. It will be hopefully a good bridge opportunity to carryover into whatever the permanent position becomes.
It came from a former co-worker who thought of me and reached out today. She called while we were in Waco, I emailed a resume and spoke to the primary contact while we were in West. And then I met the primary contact in Dallas to fill out paperwork and sign this afternoon. It came together quick.
Since it is in downtown Dallas, I will be staying with friends in Wills Point closer to the opportunity. An hour drive beats the two hour one from Winnsboro. Plus it will be good to spend time with friends.
On the permanent front, I have leads in Dallas and Nashville. For the Dallas location, I have a co-worker on the inside putting in a good word. And the Nashville opportunity is exciting and promising. I also have interviews for Austin and Washington, D.C. this week.
Through it all, it's been very interesting to see the Lord's hand in it all. This temp job has come up to start literally the day after all our travels have completed. This break has gotten me through a couple of planned trips and a move. Opportunities I might not have had otherwise. Jehovah jireh.
That's not to say that it always works out this well. I completely know that this is amazing how it has come together. And there is definitely the possibility that after this bridge, we're still waiting. Waiting for further direction, for insight, for opportunity.
But I'm thankful for the way it is coming together. I'm thankful for have the kind of a work relationship where co-workers would recommend me for other opportunities. I'm thankful for upcoming possibilities.
With this opportunity, we'll be around the Winnsboro/Dallas area for the work week definitely. And will get to head Buna way next weekend hopefully.
Not the way we would have planned it necessarily, but that seems to be the general current state.
To trust that His plan is better. And to look forward to what He has in store.
We'll keep you posted.
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